Laparoscopic Removal of GIST (Stomach)
What is GIST?
GIST is a rare type of sarcoma found in the digestive system, most often in the wall of the stomach. Some GISTS behave in a non cancerous (benign) way where as others can behave in a cancerous (malignant) way.
What are the symptoms of GIST?
People with early stage GIST often do not have any symptoms. So early stage GIST may be found when people are having tests for other medical conditions. Most GISTs are diagnosed in later stages of the disease. The symptoms of advanced GIST are likely to include
- Pain or discomfort in the tummy (abdomen)
- A feeling of fullness
- Being sick
- Blood in stools or vomit
- Feeling very tired
- A low red blood cell count (anaemia)
What are surgical options for GIST in stomach?
All surgeries are done laparoscopically
Types of surgery
- Billroth I partial gastrectomy, or gastroduodenostomy: A wedge of stomach tissue containing the origin of the GIST is removed together with the tumor. The cut edges of the stomach where the wedge was removed are brought together and re-joined.
2. Billroth II partial gastrectomy, or gastrojejunostomy: In this surgery a variable portion of the lower stomach is removed, and the cut border is attached to the jejunum (small bowel) past the duodenum.
3. Total gastrectomy with Roux-en-Y reconstruction: If the tumor involves the upper stomach or the gastro-esophageal junction then a total gastrectomy may be needed. In this case the esophagus is attached to the jejunum, as shown in the next figure.